The heritage core of the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo, Sydney, is no longer open to the public. On 30 June the NSW Government will close it for good and begin tearing the institution apart.
The threatened area of the award-winning building includes the turbine hall, the engine house that is home to priceless relics of the steam-age Industrial Revolution (including the 1785 Boulton & Watt beam engine, the oldest steam engine in existence), and the boiler hall with its space, flight and transport installations.
These are central objects of a collection unmatched anywhere in the southern hemisphere, a collection which has made the Powerhouse a unique attraction for generations of families. It drew a record 757,156 visitors in the last financial year.

The 1785 Boulton & Watt steam engine: so rare it can’t be costed, but now homeless
However, beginning on 1 July the Government intends to disperse the collection so that demolition can begin to make way for real estate developers who will reap huge profits from the Ultimo site.
It’s not public knowledge how the major heritage items will be moved, or where they will go after that.
They can’t go to Parramatta – if the new building there is ever completed it won’t be before 2025, and it won’t be fit for them anyway. They can’t go to the Castle Hill storage facility, either – it doesn’t have the space.
When NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced on 31 May that her Government would abandon the upgrade of the ANZ Stadium but proceed with her Parramatta Powerhouse project, she claimed it was part of a post-pandemic economic recovery plan to start on “shovel-ready” projects.
The shovels are coming to bury culture, not to raise it.
Volunteers and others who have been invited to private behind-the-scenes viewings at Ultimo will in reality be saying goodbye to the collection.
As the activists of the Powerhouse Museum Alliance warned three years ago: “No government anywhere in the world has ever demolished a major state museum in the city centre less than 30 years after it opened in state-of-the-art facilities.”
Mounting objections

Flight collection at the Powerhouse in Ultimo
The decision to proceed flies in the face of growing public opposition. 98.6% of people surveyed by the National Trust in May are overwhelmingly against the Government’s plan, saying that the Powerhouse and its entire collection should stay in Ultimo.
The Government is also acting in defiance of last year’s report from the Upper House Inquiry into Museums and Galleries, and of damning evidence it heard from expert witnesses.
Opponents have now deluged a fresh Upper House Inquiry into the Government’s management of the Powerhouse Museum and other museums and cultural projects. Submissions are being released, a batch at a time, on the Legislative Council website.
Of the 70 so far published, only two are unequivocally in favour of the Government. One is from the Western Sydney Business Chamber, headed by David Borger and representing Parramatta’s top end of town. The other is from the governing board of the Powerhouse, the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) Trust.
This is the board that allows its CEO Lisa Havilah to report directly to the Minister, currently the Premier herself. It’s unprecedented governmental interference in a cultural institution. The Trust used to meet 10 times a year, but last year, in the middle of the greatest crisis in the museum’s history, it met just four times. Chaired by University of Western Sydney Vice-Chancellor Professor Barney Glover, its current members include the ever vocal David Borger and all were appointed by former Arts Minister Don Harwin. How they sleep at night is beyond me.
The bulk of submissions to the Upper House Inquiry are overwhelmingly against the plan. They include detailed objections from professional bodies and community groups, among them Pyrmont Action Incorporated, Save the Powerhouse, Engineers Australia (Sydney), the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials, the Australian Museums and Galleries Association, the International Council of Museums Australia and the Royal Australian Historical Society.
None of the objectors wishes to see Western Sydney deprived of cultural facilities. On the contrary, they want a more appropriate new museum built there – something that could be achieved at less than half the cost. One suggestion gaining currency is for a Museum of Western Sydney that would tell the history of First Nations civilisation and of first contact. What could be more appropriate in the era of Black Lives Matter?
An Orwellian nightmare
What the Government proposes to install at Parramatta is not a museum at all. It’s an entertainment centre. Leading museum and heritage expert Kylie Winkworth, a former Powerhouse trustee, has exposed multiple flaws in the design brief for the new building.
She reveals that Parramatta will have only 25% of the Ultimo museum standard exhibition spaces, that it will have multiple entrances (a staffing and security nightmare), huge glass walls and open entrances (an air conditioning nightmare), no floors capable of supporting the large items from the collection, no conservation facilities, no adequate loading dock, a much reduced library and no secure working place for staff. The only mentions in the whole document of curatorship are references to a “curated food program”.

Site of the proposed Parramatta Powerhouse during the February floods
The design brief is couched in pure Newspeak, and claims: “The Powerhouse Precinct will retain its contemporary relevance through the delivery of a dynamic program where nothing is permanent… This will future-proof the institution… The program will reflect the connectivity of everyday life. It will move culture forward by championing intersections and in-betweenness as the place where new ideas are formed…”
The gobbledegook continues: “Each of the Presentation Spaces will have degrees of capacity for multiple uses including exhibitions, commercial events, live performance, education, conferences and cinema. This flexibility will support the Powerhouse’s entrepreneurial approach to commercial activity through integrating commercial programs across the Precinct.”
It is, says Winkworth, a fantasy that “completely ignores the basic principles of museum planning”. And then, of course, there’s the well-documented risk of flooding from the Parramatta River – a disaster waiting to happen.
As art critic John McDonald wrote this week: “If and when the new building is finished Parramatta will have a gigantic white elephant that has zero possibility of drawing long-term audiences and covering costs. To achieve this excellent result the government will have irretrievably vandalised a major Australian museum and wiped out another precious piece of heritage in a city already disfigured by the concrete horrors of Westfield Shopping Centre and similar architectural eyesores.”
Government clings to secrecy

Locomotive No.1: its future is a Government secret
In Parliament meanwhile the Legislative Council faces an uphill battle to secure the release of the documents about the Powerhouse that it demanded a month ago.
In a joint response on 10 June the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Infrastructure NSW and the MAAS board listed 243 documents they said they expect to provide, and 241 they said may be subject to claims of privilege – kept secret, in other words.
The list included such items as a “Locomotive No.1 update” and an “Indigenous Advisor report”. How either of these can be “commercial in confidence” is a mystery.
Supporters of the museum are urging people to write to both Premier Berejiklian and Treasurer Dominic Perrottet to insist that the Powerhouse at Ultimo must remain open with its collection intact.
With the “heritage core” of the museum about to be demolished, it’s an urgent request. The vandals are at the doors.
Thanks Judith.
Another astute, relevant article.
And their “captain” is the original: “Vandal Mike.”
And as someone with an emotional, and very personal investment in the Museum itself, and the extraordinary industrial and social history of Ultimo Power Station, I’m feeling the darkness this government is casting at will…
As are my colleagues.
There’s always a glimmer of hope.
And a campaign of letter writing is a fine idea.
Let’s be about that!
I just WEEP for this City…..and COUNTRY….& that’s the truth of it. Thank you Judith…..for “trying”….
This is outrageous. Any fool can see moving the powerhouse is wrong in every way. Keep the current one open & open a further one elsewhere & not at the expense of heritage buildings.
I do not want to live in a developmentocracy,,
Nothing but a disgrace.
How can all this Parramatta be seriously entertained.
The government has disappointed my often, but this just makes me sick.
Thank you for the updates Judith they help me get my anger up. I will write to Gladys and Dominic and once again voice my concerns about this vandalism for the dollar. It’s a disgrace that she can make this decision that the majority tax payers are against. NO to Gladys and her greedy cohorts!
I shal write to Ms Berejicklian over this. I find it disgraceful that developers old sway over our rights as concerned citizens who want to preserve existing buildings of value to the community. Ms Berejiclian has long made it ovious that she is kept in power by these greedy developers. Time it stopped for the sake of us all.
Joanna van Kool
I , like Patricia Keenan above, weep for this once beautiful city, and for the country. Our leaders are vandals, nothing more, nothing less
I’ve written many emails to Gladys and Dominic and other relevant ministers as well as all parliamentarians. The lies and secrecy are unbelievable and there unfortunately is a smell of corruption ! We can only keep on fighting and hope for the best.
Demolishing the Powerhouse Museum and moving it to Parramatta ticks all the boxes for the coalition government – a nice site for their developer mates, a nice construction project for their construction mates and it keeps the Murdoch Press happy (remember the Daily Terror’s “Campaign for the West” a few years ago?) plus it destroys a project which was built by a previous Labor government.
Your recommendation to contact the premier is a complete waste of time. She does not care about anybody’s opinion and will bulldoze her way through regardless. I am so glad I visited the powerhouse museum as many times as I did, because it is irreplaceable.
DISGUSTING! Leave everything how and where it is!!!!
Look what they didm to Haberfield for the Wesconnex. They actually used balls on chains to demolish the houses that went. Nothing was kept. All those beautiful doors and windows. A developer would face charges for Destroying heritage buildings. This is utter stupidity
Our current Governments both in NSW & Federal constantly ignore public opinion !
Politicians forget they are public servants, it’s tax payers money they are spending. They deliver to the wealthy developers . These politicians have no sense of the importance of history, heritage , research or culture.
Politicians, greedy developers, arrogant architects, talentless planners – SHAME on you all! You’ll wreck this very special City of Sydney icon – so loved by students and children of all ages, and an essential experience for happy memories of school excursions, school holidays and those long week-ends of family enjoyment – so critical for us all to be able to appreciate our history.
You’ll be long gone soon enough! If you are remembered, it will be for the part you played in the destruction of this wonderful museum – if at all!
Disgusting lack of conscience, foresight and responsibility.
I say we march on the powerhouse. Let’s go there if it gets that bad. There’s nothing else that can be done if these greedy pricks remain stubborn and wilfully deaf.
We cannot let this happen – and there are many voices against the destruction of the Powerhouse Museum. Please do write to the Premier who is Minister for the Arts and for Heritage and state your opposition. Parramatta can have the cultural landmark the community wants, regional NSW needs support for cultural projects and the Powerhouse Museum a renewal after 5 years of lack of funding. All for much less than the $1.5bn plus the Powerhouse Parramatta will blow for a building which destroys Parramatta’s heritage and the POwerhouse Museum. A building which is not a museum but a 24 hours entertainment precinct.
Write to the Treasurer, Minister for Planning and your local member and tell them not to destroy our Museum. Copy all your letters to Robert Borsak, Chair of the Upper House Inquiry, NSW Parliament and stand up for the Powerhouse Museum,
Thank you for all you can do. The Powerhouse needs your support!
See link to Inquiry survey below
Look what happened to the Stadium? Gladys clings to wilful ignorance and espouses ‘double talk’. I would say the real story requires a Freedom of Information search. Expose the players and follow the dots to the money. I fully agree that physical marching would attract media. In these tragic times we must fight very hard for the RIGHTS OF ALL Arts and the Museum which belongs to the citizens…not the governing cronies and their political representatives! Democracy Now. Thanks for you hard work Judith. Much appreciated.
Not too many things get me in the mood to demonstrate in public, but this is one of them. Assumint I survive CV19, count me in when it is prudent to demonstrate.
The 2020s NSW Berejiklian government reprises the moral and ethical vacuum of the 1980s Queensland Bjelke-Petersen government.
Fantastic article. On the back of the ‘stadium fiasco‘, the Berejiklian Government was returned to power. As long as people keep voting for her sadly, nothing much will change decisions such as this one 🙁
Thankyou for this insightful article. I wish I could say exactly what I think but better be careful. However if you want to do anything, maybe contact the NSW Member for Parramatta who seems to be a key person who is actively agitating for this to move forward despite the objections of the people of Parramatta who want to keep their heritage precinct intact.
I am outraged at this decision, to wreck the Powerhouse Museum.
A criminal act by a criminal NSW Premiere.
Berejiklian has no moral authority to destroy this unique museum.
I call for a moratorium on the destruction of the Powerhouse Museum and censure of NSW Premier Berejiklian.
I’m so angry.
Berejiklian should be ashamed of herself. Cultural vandalism of the worst possible kind. Sydney will be bereft and so will be Berejiklian. A human stain will forever cling to her name.
I am British but my childhood was spent in Newcastle NSW. Australia has a fascinating industrial history well worth preserving. We are also suffering from developeritis which usually takes the for of “accidental” fires in historic buildings/structures.
This whole plan is just about making money out of the real estate profits! I hate to loose this treasure of heritage in the city. I want to be able to take my grandchildren there to see the big steam engine work and get up close to all the big exhibits. This building and all its treasures are a part of our city! They belong to its people as a resource of inspiration. The building belongs to the people of Sydney. Do not even try to put treasures in a flood zone beside a flooding river. We want to go out to the city and see our national heritage there. Not out to Paramatta. Be great to have another museum out there about the country first settlers or how about our Indigenous people! That would be wonderful!
I visited a beautiful museum in Washington DC all about the African American race. A real tribute to their people in America. It started at the bottom level about slavery and then went onto their highest achievers and all the famous people. Was so uplifting and full of all their African American people and their families feeling proud and uplifted. It was so inspiring! Can’t we do this here? Full of Indigenous art works and their real story. Can anyone suggest this to Gladys?
It’s a great idea, Jean-Marie – the best. Some years ago Infrastructure NSW suggested that a museum of indigenous history and first contact should be a priority but the Government has refused to act on it. We should all take up the call – but Gladys, I fear, is deaf to it.
It’s time to move Parliament House from Macquarie Street to Parramatta along with the Powerhouse, closer to the centre of population and to provide a massive employment boost to the area and it would be so much closer to the new airport! Why not convert the current Parliament building into a hotel – heritage values don’t seem to be of concern to the State government so the conversion would be quite feasible. I often wonder whether the Powerhouse site has already been sold and the State government is afraid to admit it.
The Australian way. An easy Buck for immediate gain. No thought to the future. We have no industry left in Australia and are completely reliant on China, all because of the Aussie attitude to take the easy way out!
When is Gladys going to listen to the people. The powerhouse needs to stay in Sydney with all the displays intact for everyone to enjoy now and in the future and not put away and hidden!!!
The Government is supposed to be for the people!
The people want the Powerhouse Museum to remain where it is!
The Powerhouse Museum building itself is a Museum piece! Brilliant architecture!
Gladys you are a disgrace!
You’re in bed with the developers!
Everything you have a vested interest in smells of corruption!!
This state government has destroyed Parramatta it is now a soulless place of ugly units and destroyed businesses hang your heads in shame the fact you pulled down a 200 year old pub and a pool that is very much missed proves you don’t care what people want you are drunk with power wake up every body vote them out
My one year old boy loves steam engines. How old will he be when he is able to see Australia’s firsts steam locomotive and the oldest working steam engine in the world? Will he ever see them?
The Parramatta ‘museum’ sounds like a bad joke.
This wrecking ball government reminds me of the Chinese Communist Party during the ‘Cultural Revolution’. Much of China’s rich heritage was destroyed forever. Now we’re doing the same here.
The Berojiklean Government have done the same at Windsor NSW- building a concrete monolith through the heart of Australia’s oldest (c.1795) Town Square, against overwhelming community opposition.
Down with this dictatorship!
Like its predecessors, and a few of the grubbier Labor ones, this Coalition government shudders at the thought of precious and valuable harbourside land being given away to non-commercial activity. A taxpayer-funded space where people go not to buy things or live in multimillion-dollar apartments but to learn about stuff, some of it possibly challenging? And get in for free? Disgraceful. Watch out, Maritime Museum . Nowhere is safe from these grubs and their mates.
I’m afraid our Gladys has a strong nose for commercial enforcement…this government has long since built their wall of secrecy…
And even that “construction of corrupt privacy”…represents a cost blowout…
Who gives a damn about silly old houses…
There’s big dollars to be made…
A politician who consorts (intimately) with questionable business people, slashes records of biased spending towards financial investors (sorry I meant to say “supporters”)…is the very model of a standard NSW Premier.
I wonder how much more this Premier will personally financially gain both during and after her stint in politics?